Fundraising Society

The purpose of the Wild Rose Parents' Society is to raise funds to enhance learning for our students and to enrich the educational experience of students at Wild Rose. The mandate of the group is to raise funds and allocate these monies in such a way as to benefit most of the school population. Certain funds are allocated to various school areas on a rotating three-year cycle. Approximately every 2-3 years, the Parents' Society also organizes a casino that helps with the purchase of many resources that complement classroom learning.

Meetings occur immediately after School Council meetings.

Wild Rose hot lunch fundraiser

Wild Rose hot lunch fundraiser is back for the 2024-2025 school

year! Hurray!

But....we need your help! In order for hot lunch to run smoothly we are in need of 6
volunteers each week to help on Fridays from 11:15 am – 12:15 pm to help sort,
distribute and clean up. This year we are utilizing the volunteer form called Sign Up
Genius, and the best part is anyone can come volunteer for hot lunch – parents,
grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.!

Here is the link to sign up to volunteer for hot lunch for up until Christmas!

Unfortunately, if we do not have the volunteers to help, we will not be able to run hot
lunch. If you can volunteer for any of the dates, please sign up ASAP. We are hopeful
to start hot lunch on Friday, September 27th. Please sign up to volunteer by
September 18th for the dates you are available to help.

Like last year, we will be using the Healthy Hunger program. Attached is the ‘how to’
sheet for how to sign your student(s) up and pay for hot lunch. Please order and pay
through the Healthy Hunger link Healthy Hunger charges a
small transaction fee each time you make a purchase. This fee is $0.30 plus 3% of the
total ordering amount (ie: if your order is $30.00, the total would be $31.21).

Please place your hot lunch orders online before Sunday at 11:59 pm for delivery on
Friday (ie: order before Sunday, September 22nd for hot lunch delivery on Friday,
September 27th). Late orders and offline purchases will not be accepted.

We work hard to try to find vendors that accommodate dietary needs; however, we
are limited to what the vendors supply on the Healthy Hunger website. We
appreciate your understanding in this.

If your student is not at school but you ordered hot lunch and would like to pick it
up, please email before 10 am on the hot lunch Friday
for it to be set aside for pick up. Unfortunately, after 10 am we cannot guarantee to
hold your students hot lunch for you.

Thank you for your continued support in fundraising!

If you have any questions please email

Wild Rose Parent’s Society